The Nightvision Experiment

How we got here

The Nightvision Experiment is a unique experience. We started our journey several years ago with a small crowdfunding campaign. From the success of that we managed to create a unique experience on twitter which was much loved by all our fantastic backers. We collated extensive feedback about what people liked and what they didn’t and from that we’ve adapted The Nightvision Experiment into an App.

We hope this will bring the story to a wider audience. Let us know what you think, we would love to to stay in touch and constantly improve the story!

The Story

Characters on social media start getting sent streams of videos. The action becomes unbelievably pacey. At times, it’s impossible to keep up as Caroline’s friends scrub through the clips being uploaded.

You feel like a voyeur, peering into this strange world, the confusion and panic is infectious and you find yourself following links and praying for Caroline’s friends. Heart racing, palms sweaty. Brilliant!

If you lose your sense of disbelief at the cinema this is a step up. Something totally different, jarring and new. You feel so close to the action you want to pick up the phone and dial 999.

The acting is first class, Shazad Latif and Kathryn Drysdale play their roles with the vulnerability you would feel being trapped in pitch black. And Keith Allen is riveting and iconic as the Professor.

Technically this is a challenge and the directing and editing is a feat in itself with multiple storylines on different cameras overlapping perfectly.

The Nightvision Experiment became a cult piece of horror entertainment – now we look forward to launching it to a new audience. If you love horror or if you are interested in the future of digital storytelling this is a must watch.

Download now!

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